Monday, June 25, 2007

Radio Indie Pop

Oh hi. Did you have a good weekend? Good to hear that.

Listen, you need to stop what you're doing right now and go to Radio Indie Pop. I know what you're thinking. You're thinking "what's that website, I've never heard of it." Well stop fucking thinking and just go to the website. Remember a second ago when I told you to stop what you're doing and go? Yeah just fucking listen to me and do that.

Alright here's the premise. It's a website (you've gotta register for it, but it's free) that plays streaming music. It's got 7 different radio stations (one for each day of the week) along with album of the month (which is updated yearly, but it's how I heard of The Comas), and Alt Country radio station, and some other stock radio stuff. The mixes on the daily radio stations are fantastic with different moods for each day of the week. Definitely not like any other streaming music I've ever heard. The guy who runs it is clearly a He Man Woman Hater.

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