Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Au Revoir Simone/Voxtrot

As promised in the comments section to the post below, here's Au Revoir Simone's "Sad Song." I saw them last week at the Magic Stick--and by "saw" I mean I missed their set, but saw them checking their email on their Macs at the bar downstairs. The headliners, Voxtrot were quite good, considering especially how disappointing the LP they've released actually is. I know I am the tweeest of the lot here, and I put a lot of stock into Voxtrot, and was pretty down when the boundless promise of their EP's was squandered, but it was good seeing them live, if only to be reminded that they're just kids, and they haven't figured out yet how to be a great band. Alright, my bitches, au revoir...


McRand said...

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Victor9000 said...

That video helped me find my inner twee. And thanks for the excessive hyperlinking.