Monday, June 25, 2007

Half of my justification for getting HBO

Believe the hype.
After two episodes, I can say that Flight of the Conchords is amazing. Figuring that I would buy every episode on iTunes for $2, that's $8 a month justifying 1/2 my HBO bill. Plus I don't have to watch on my crappily-speakered laptop.
Seriously, the show gives us a weekly dose of Wes Anderson-like humor (Tenenbaums-era, you Life Aquatic haters) plus two or three amazing parody songs. Actually parody doesn't seem appropriate, since they have a true appreciation for the original form. Weird Al isn't the closest analogue - it's Ricky Gervais singing "Freelove on the Freelove Freeway" in The Office. Anyway, check it:
[My embedding skills are wack. Check out the videos for "Inner City Pressure" and "Robots" on HBO's website].


cold4thestreets said...

dude, what's up with the embedding problems? it should be a cut and paste deal. anyway, i;ve got a clip up on sister blog, interweb detritus. also, i want my robot to look like daft punk's.

DJ said...

Dude, you are so right. I saw these two guys on Conan about 5 years ago when they were just straight singing (dubbed themselves the fourth best folk band in New Zealand). They were funny in the same way then so I hope we can count on many years of laughs to come.

However, did you think the second episode was much weaker than the first? Elizabeth and I weren't sure if it was because we were in a better mood (we're fasting now), because we had higher expectations the second time around, or because the premise was weaker. Or maybe it wasn't any of these things.

Anyways, yes, FotC is sa-weet.